
Baltimore & Ohio Railroad

B&O Railroad

1. The Baltimore American, of the 7th July, 1828
Contains a full report of the celebration of the laying of the corner-stone of the railroad, which, for its historical interest, we copy entire. The American commences:

2. A June Jaunt
With Some Wanderings in the Footsteps of Washington, Braddock, and the Early Pioneers. Also Cumberland and Piedmont Coal Region by Brantz Mayer—Harper's Monthly—April, 1857

3. Artist's Excursion Over the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad
Illustrated by Porte Crayon (David Hunter Strother) - Harper's New Monthly Magazine—June, 1859

4. The Last of the Camels
The Railway Master Mechanic—December, 1891 - These three engines were built prior to the Civil War.

5. The Early History of the B & O Railroad
Engineering News—June 14, 1892 Address of the President Mendes Cohen at the Annual Convention of the American Society of Civil Engineers

Antebellum RR | Contents Page


This page originally appeared on Thomas Ehrenreich's Railroad Extra Website


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